Muscle, Joint Ache & Fibromyalgia Pain
Muscle, Joint Ache & Fibromyalgia Pain
I have used so many products over the years, a closet full of promises that will aid in relieving some of my knee pain from a severe lack of cartilage and leg cramps brought on by diabetes, to no avail. Finding the Muscle Rub from Healing Tree has just been incredible. With immediate and long lasting results I can say I won’t be on the search any longer and can clear out some shelf space. Keep up the great and much appreciated work!
This Healing Tree stuff is great--felt like I pulled a muscle last week and I actually had to stop my workout which I’ve never had to do. Put that stuff on, and I’m fine this week!
We visited an older couple in the mountains. Four weeks ago she had a fall and although no vertebrae were broken, she has been in horrible back pain to the point of being taken to the E.R. at midnight this week. Sent home from the hospital with Vicodin that caused severe nausea and now on Tylenol 3, she’s been very uncomfortable daily. Today I applied some Healing Tree Muscle Rub to her lower back after lunch and left her some to use. Around 7 PM I talked to her and she said, “I just put some more of the Muscle Rub on and do you know, this is the longest I’ve gone between pain pills, using that lotion today?”
I have osteoporosis and have fractured two vertebras in the mid section of my back. This was a year and a half ago. Although the bones have healed, the muscles in the middle of my back ache almost continually. I have tried many over the counter rubs and ointments, but none seem to give me the relief as much as the Healing Tree Muscle Rub lotion. Although I wake up in the morning almost pain free, I never know when my back will start aching during the day. I bought several bottles online a few months ago. I now have one bottle in each car, one at my desk at work, one upstairs in my house and one downstairs. This seems to bring much appreciate relief. It doesn’t last forever, but it is enough relief to help me fall asleep at night and take my mind off the pain during the day. I especially like the smell and the fact that it is not greasy or stain my clothes. Thank You. ”
Recently I fell down and landed on my hip on a concrete surface. It took a few days for the discomfort to really settle in. As well as my ice and my inflammatory medication, I reached for Healing Tree’s All Natural Muscle Rub. It became my healing companion, tucked in my handbag, offering relief during the day and at nighttime. I could feel the coolness and then the warmth as the Muscle Rub went to work. It felt great, and I am convinced it has aided – and accelerated – my healing process. Thank you, Healing Tree, for a great product!
Healing Tree is amazing! This weekend, I ran a 1/2 marathon with The All Natural Muscle Rub: a product that has become as essential to me as my running shoes. I use it on my shins and calves before a race, and it totally eliminates cramping! After a post-race shower, I re-apply it and add it to my quads - it makes muscle soreness unbelievably minimal. And I love the peppermint smell- so clean and refreshing!
Hunching over a keyboard all day turned me into a cranky, knotted, tense work-troll, and no amount medication or stretching unwound the big ache, but Healing Tree Muscle Rub melted away my pain like butter. If I could, I would swim in a vat of it every night before bed. A vat of buttery, pepperminty, sweetly soothing body-goodness. True story."
My husband came across a shop in central London which happened to sell your products, and purchased the All Natural Muscle Rub, as well as the Athlete's Foot Solution, and I must say [they are] incredible. I have had severe back pain since I gave birth to my daughter Marie Chloe 3 and a half years ago and I could not get rid of it; I have consulted doctors upon doctors who told me it is a normal reaction after birth, advised on methods in order to avoid the pain, put me on painkillers and "job done" as far as my relationship with them. However the pain was unbearable and I keep thinking at my age all I want to do is live my life, not having to cut down on my hobbies or walk, sit in a certain way, etc. I have applied the Muscle Rub once and for a whole week I felt no pain whatsoever. That was magical so my point is I believe in your product sand would like to be a part of it.
I am a huge fan of the muscle rub....I am a dance teacher/choreographer, and the particular formula that your company makes really is quite effective after a long day of dancing! I've used various topical products over the years to relieve muscle soreness, and I like the cooling effect of the muscle rub versus other products that just "heat up" the tissue. Many Thanks!
I've used other muscle rubs in the past and they've all had a pretty strong, unnatural scent. This one definitely has a strong scent as well, but it smells natural and refreshing instead. There's no wax, alcohol or parabens in it, but it works really well the day after a long, hard run - in conjunction with my foam roller.
I just wanted to give you guys some positive feedback. I really love the Healing Tree Muscle Rub and think it is by far the best product out there of its kind. It's very efficient and works great on sensitive skin like mine. Whether I'm using it to massage in or just applying a light coat, this Muscle Rub always brings relief to my stressed muscles. I like that it has a slight tingle and cooling effect.